hosp surveySurvey results are in from a phone poll conducted on March 5th involving a North Bay nurse being let go by the hospital.

The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions says 81 per cent of respondents say the hospital was wrong to terminate Sue McIntyre, who talked about violence in the workplace at a nursing conference in late January.

The union also says 71 per cent don’t think the hospital is addressing the problem of violent assaults against staff properly while 61 percent said the hospital’s decision to let McIntyre go will affect their willingness to donate to the hospital in the future.

Between 330 and 380 people answered the various questions.

The union says the phone survey made over 2,000 live connections in North Bay.

People with land lines were contacted, not cell phones.

The majority of people who answered the questions were 51 to 65 years old or 65 and older.

The margin of error for the questions varies from plus/minus 5.01% to plus/minus 5.26%, 19 times out of 20.