If you listen to the show regularly you may know that I DON’T LIKE MOVIES! I know, it’s weird.

I just can’t sit still for 2 hours. Usually it’s a chore just to get through a film and more often than not I end up taking a nap. On those few occasions when my wife actually drags me to the theatre, the highlight tends to be the bag of popcorn.  And wandering the lobby searching for someone to play air hockey with.

Which is what makes this brand new blog experiment all the more unique.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you…

“Movie Reviews by a Guy Who Can’t Stand Movies”.

And what better way to start than by working my way though some of the greatest movies of all time (supposedly).

Yes, EVERY movie I review here has either won the Academy Award for Best Picture (or it was at least nominated, and we all know it’s an honour just to be nominated.)


DR. STRANGELOVE (1964) … Best Picture nominee (lost to My Fair Lady)
*Available on Shomi

Well, it certainly lived up to it’s title … sort of.  It was definitely strange but I certainly DIDN’T love it.  I didn’t even like it.  Truth be told, I couldn’t even get through it.  Normally, I do my best to commit to the full film.  It’s gotta come together at some point right? But, nope couldn’t do it.  About half way through I gave up and flicked over to curling on Sportsnet.  (When watching curling is more interesting you know you’ve got problems!)

From what I gather, the movie is about a military guy who makes up a story about the Russians attacking so they send planes over there to attack the Soviets without any real reason.  And oh yeah, it’s a comedy.

Don’t get me wrong.  I knew this film would be unique.  After all it’s Kubrick.  But I was okay with that.  I enjoyed some of Stanley’s other work… Eyes Wide Shut was out there but intriguing, I actually liked Clockwork Orange, but this one just didn’t catch me.

Just yesterday I saw an article where this movie was ranked as one of the Top 10 funniest films of all time.  Hmmmm.  Maybe it’s just me then.

Bonus points for a young James Earl Jones doing his best Darth voice before Vader was cool.

Sleep test … Nope.  Didn’t get far enough into it.


I’ll give it 1/ 5 buckets of popcorn.