City Hall  genericCity Council will look at a report on Downtown Waterfront Land Use & Urban Design Plan at tonight’s meeting (Monday).

Mayor Al McDonald says they will be looking at strategies to connect the waterfront with the downtown core, bring people down there and create more opportunities to live right downtown.

McDonald says this report is the first step in doing that.

He adds there are two projects currently in the works that would see major developments in that area.

McDonald says one could be announced at some point this year while the other is more likely to be announced in 2017.

Meantime, North Bay City Council has a surplus with their 2015 budget.

McDonald says it’s in excess of $2-million.

He also says at tonight’s Council Meeting they will move the money into temporary reserves before they take a look at where best to spend the money.

He says those options include putting it into infrastructure, paying off debt or keeping it in reserves.