If you listen to the show regularly you may know that I DON’T LIKE MOVIES! I know, it’s weird.

I just can’t sit still for 2 hours. Usually it’s a chore just to get through a film and more often than not I end up taking a nap. On those few occasions when my wife actually drags me to the theatre, the highlight tends to be the bag of popcorn.  And wandering the lobby searching for someone to play air hockey with.

Which is what makes this brand new blog experiment all the more unique.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you…

“Movie Reviews by a Guy Who Can’t Stand Movies”.

And what better way to start than by working my way though some of the greatest movies of all time (supposedly).

Yes, EVERY movie I review here has either won the Academy Award for Best Picture (or it was at least nominated, and we all know it’s an honour just to be nominated.)


GLADIATOR (2000) … Best Picture WINNER 
*Available on Shomi

At a running time of 155 minutes this movie was WAY beyond my comfort level.  And to be honest I didn’t watch it all in one sitting.  I had to split it into two viewings.  I just couldn’t sit there for 2 1/2 hours.  BUT…..

I REALLY liked this movie!!!

The acting was superb (which considering I’m not a Crowe fan makes that all the more interesting), the action was intense and the battle scenes were really well done.

I’m probably one of the only people who hadn’t seen this movie but for those who never picked it up from the video store back in the day, it’s the story of a man who get’s double crossed by the King and sentenced to death.  Only to survive and be forced into slavery as a Gladiator who fights to entertain  the bloodthirsty crowds.  (Think of it as a primitive UFC).

This is one of those movies that left me thinking “I get why THIS one won the award.”

Go and watch it … just make sure the kids aren’t around.  It can get a little gory at times.

Bonus points for the shots of the Coliseum.  I had the chance to visit there many years ago so this was really neat to me.

Sleep test … Nope.  Too exciting!


I’ll give it 4/ 5 buckets of popcorn.