AIDS CommiteeTomorrow night is a great night to have dinner out on the town at one of seven area restaurants.

Kirk Titmuss says not only will you enjoy some local dining but you’ll be helping the Aids Committee of North Bay and Area as well.

The Communications Coordinator says tomorrow is their annual “A Taste For Life” event.

He says “We try to get as many people in the restaurants as possible, and they have a great meal and whatever the total is for the bills that evening, the restaurants donate 25% of it to us.”

Titmuss says this is a big fundraiser for them, but it’s a great partnership to get people into restaurants in what is typically a slower time of the year.

The restaurants taking part include Aroy Dee, Average Joes, Farina Restorante, Pinewood Tap and Grill, Raven and Republic, the Portage Restaurant and Lu Lu’s Bar and Grill in Callander.

You can book a reservation by going to