Brielle Brunet was born May 4th, a day after her parents evacuated Fort McMurray. Photo by Evie Rose Photography
Brielle Brunet was born May 4th, a day after her parents evacuated Fort McMurray. Photo by Evie Rose Photography
Two evacuated families are paying tribute to first responders with these beautiful newborn photos of their little ones, born soon after their parents escaped the Fort McMurray wildfires.
Brielle Brunet was born May 4th, four weeks early, and a day after her parents were evacuated out of Fort McMurray.
Deegan was also born May 4th, the day after his mom Susan Harty and her fiance Scott Langenhoff were airlifted out of Fort McMurray.
Deegan was born May 4th, the day after his mom was airlifted out of Fort McMurray (Photo by Charyssa Shippit Photography)
Deegan was born May 4th, the day after his mom was airlifted out of Fort McMurray (Photo by CharyssaShippit Photography)