Energy East pipeline route

The city has been granted intervenor status and will be reaching out to the National Energy Board to find out when they can present on the Energy East pipeline project.

That from Mayor Al McDonald after it was announced yesterday (Thursday) that there will be a 21 month review including hearings across the country, along the route of the proposed pipeline.

McDonald plans to make a presentation but, doesn’t know when at this point.

He says his main concern with the project is the impact it’ll have on our drinking water since North Bay’s supply is Trout Lake.

McDonald say he’ll be contacting the National Energy Board to find out about the hearing schedule and when they can present.

The Energy East project if approved will carry Alberta oil to refineries in Eastern Canada and an export terminal in New Brunswick.

Environmental groups and some First Nations have expressed total opposition, while the oil industry, along with the premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick, have come out staunchly in favour.