City Hall generic

City council is hoping to stem the impact that the province’s Cap and Trade Proposal will have on the city, businesses and area residents.

Councillor Mike Anthony brought forward a motion asking the province to consider exempting the north from a potential average natural gas price hike of $5 and to consider eliminating the proposed 4.3 cent increase on a litre of gasoline.

He pointed out there have been cases were change has been successfully lobbied for and achieved and it needs to be done in this case too. “We know that when we come up with a cookie-cutter solution or a broad ranged solution out of Queen’s Park, what might look good on paper there doesn’t always feel too good here where the rubber meets the road.”

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette says Cap and Trade will have a massive impact on the city’s budget, which will impact the taxpayer too, “The Cap and Trade is going to affect our city budget as well and we’re going to have to raise taxes to compensate for those increase that have been put onto us.”

Councillor Mark King says the bottom line of business will be directly impacted too, “What we’re going to see is total increase in retail pricing. That’s very, very scary in this particular economy that we’re now facing.”

The motion was unanimously supported and will be sent to a variety of politicians and groups, including the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities and Chamber of Commerce too.