vic hydro question

Hydro rates were a big topic at Queen’s Park again Tuesday, including a petition read by MPP Vic Fedeli.

He says they have 1,500, with more signatures coming in.

They’re calling for meaningful action on skyrocketing hydro bills.

“I recently launched a petition calling upon the Liberal government to come to their senses and stop their failed energy policies that have driven electricity costs to unaffordable levels, and the response has been extraordinary,” said Fedeli.

Earlier during Question Period, Fedeli called the provincial portion of the HST being cut from hydro bills a band-aid solution that does nothing to actually reduce hydro costs.

He questioned the premier too, “how are you paying for this?  Are you adding it to our tax bills, or to our hydro bills?” 

Premier Kathleen Wynne pointed out they are not borrowing money, “we have made changes, we have put the Ontario Energy Support program in place”.  

She went on to say, “the province is in much better shape than it was 3 years ago”. 

Meantime, in Sudbury, Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault said cutting the 8 per cent provincial portion of the HST on hydro bills is a permanent tax cut, pointing out any future government would have to bring legislation in to put it back on.

He also announced increased funding to the Rural or Remote Rate Protection program, which combined with the eight per cent rebate would save eligible rural customers about $45 per month or $540 a year.


Video links: MPP Vic Fedeli questions the Premier over the 8 per cent cut to the HST on hydro bills.

Video link: MPP Vic Fedeli reads a petition calling for meaningful action on skyrocketing hydro bills.