Ontario Northland

The province has released the Ministers Mandate letters and the ONTC is specifically mentioned in the letter to Minister of Northern Development and Mines.

“Continue to promote efficiency with a balanced approach to transforming the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission to ensure sustainable employment, continued economic growth and a strong transportation network in Northern Ontario, while maintaining the government’s commitment to keep the ONTC’s business lines in public hands.”

That’s one line included the minister’s mandate letter from Premier Kathleen Wynne.

She goes on to say, “Support the ONTC through strategic investments to improve the service and accessibility of motor coach services and to refurbish passenger rail coaches for use on the Polar Bear Express.”

Wynne says this will sustain jobs and ensure that important transportation services can be delivered more effectively and efficiently.

Other areas of the letter include developing the Ring Of Fire, strengthening Ontario’s mining sector, driving growth in the north, supporting a dynamic business climate in the north and supporting the climate change action plan.