A one-time heating grant is being re-introduced for the upcoming winter for those locally who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

The Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) is available through the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board.

Communications and Executive Coordinator Marianne Zadra says the program is all about helping people maintain shelter, “this money is supposed to help them heat their homes so that they’re not at risk of losing it.” She goes on to say there’s another benefit too. “Plus, it’s less expensive on the system if we can people maintain housing, rather then helping them find new housing.”

There are eligibility requirements for those applying.

Details about the CHPI One-Time Heating Grant include:
– Available until March 31, 2017 or until funding has been exhausted
– Maximum of $3,000.00 per benefit unit
– Homeowners and Renters are eligible to apply
– Expenses considered include; wood, propane, oil, oil tank replacement, furnace repairs etc…
– Partial payments for heating related one-time expenses that exceed $3,000.00 will be considered if documentation can be provided to verify that the balance has been paid
– Must meet CHPI eligibility criteria including reason for applying, income level and asset level
– The maximum allowable benefit of up to $3,000 may be accessed in a 24 month period

Citizens in receipt of Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) should contact their Case Manager for a referral. Anyone else choosing to apply should contact the CHPI Intake Line at (705) 474-2151 ext. 3167 or 1-877-829-5121 ext. 3167.