Proposed changes to the city’s procedural bylaw have already been discussed in the media, coffee shops and social networks.

Now the issue is coming to Council.

A report on the issue is on the agenda for tonight’s (Monday) Committee meeting of Council.

As previously reported, a staff report proposes one of the changes include ending five minute unscheduled presentations, to be replaced with five minute presentations that require written notice before noon on the meeting day and would have to involve an issue on the agenda.

That has been met with opposition from some in the community, including the North Bay and District Labour Council who says it’s essentially “silencing democracy.”

Another proposed change to the procedural bylaw would see Council meet every second Tuesday, with both committee and regular Council meetings taking place on the same night.

Council currently meets every Monday night, for either the Committee or full Council session, except in the summer when meetings are combined and held every second Monday.

Tonight’s agenda also includes public presentations on the city’s operating budget.