The City of North Bay is looking to the public to get involved in their 2016-2026 Draft Strategic Plan Framework.

They’ve launched a public consultation process.

10 sessions are taking place, starting on Wednesday.
Mayor Al McDonald says they expect to hear plenty of information at these sessions from various groups in the community.

That includes the business sector, the arts community and members of the general public.

Resident Harriet Madigan says the plan framework should be more wide ranging and not just the economic growth and development pillar.

She says important issues include how residents interact with each other and how the different neighborhoods feel part of the community.

You can check out the framework on the city’s web site, review it in person at city hall or have a copy e mailed to you.

The consultation sessions wrap up on November 16th and will take place at several city locations including City Council Chambers, Memorial Gardens , Nipissing University, The West Ferris Arena, E.W. Norman Public School and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority.

There’s also an online survey to fill out if you can’t make it to one of the sessions.