The annual pilgrimage for candy is back and city police want everyone to be safe when out and about tonight for Halloween.

Corporate Communications Coordinator Marie Lugli says drivers need to pay attention when behind the wheel because there’s plenty of children going door-to-door.

Motorists are advised to slow down and make eye contact with children and other pedestrians.

As for the kids and costumes, Lugli says choose bright or light colours, carry a flashlight and avoid wearing black.

Other tips for children include letting parents know where they’re going and only visiting homes that have the lights on.

At the end of the night parents are reminded to check all candy before the kids dig in.


Here’s a full list of safety tips from city police and fire crews:

Eerie home décor
If you plan to transform your home into an eerie scene, be sure to keep paths leading up to your home free of decorations and obstacles so nothing blocks fire escape routes or acts as a trip hazard.

Pumpkin pointers
It’s safest to use a flashlight, glow stick or battery-operated candles in a jack-o-lantern. If you use a real candle, use extreme caution and ensure pumpkins are well away from anything that can burn and far enough out of the way of trick-or-treaters, doorsteps, walkways and yards. Dried flowers, crepe paper and cornstalks catch fire easily. Make sure they are kept away from open flame and other sources of heat, including light bulbs and heaters.

Don’t be a zombie when driving
“Boo-kle” up for a night of staying focused if you’re behind the wheel. Please slow down and make eye contact with children and other pedestrians who will be walking door-to-door in our neighbourhoods.

Be visible, even if you’re a ghost
Consider wearing costumes that are bright and light in colour, instead of black. Stay away from billowing or long trailing fabric. Adjust the length of a costume to avoid the risk of tripping. Include reflective tape, wear a glow-in-the-dark necklace, or carry a flashlight. Make sure masks do not obstruct a child’s vision; consider applying make-up instead. If you are making your own costume choose material that won’t easily ignite if it comes into contact with heat or flame. Look for costumes, beards and wigs labelled “Flame-Resistant” – nylon or heavyweight polyester are best.

“Witch” way to go?
Only visit homes with the lights on. “Lights off” means there are no treats on offer. Please don’t be wicked to people who are not participating in Halloween. Just “broom-broom” on to the next place where people are ready to welcome you.

Don’t risk turning into a pumpkin
Where are you going? What time will you be home? Parents and guardians are advised to make a plan with older children who are out with their friends and to stay in touch with each other if there are changes to the plan

Egging is not a “trick”
Egg-throwing is not a “trick.” It’s called “vandalism” and it’s against the law, with scary consequences. Please play wisely and refrain from damaging property.

Scaredy cats and howling dogs
Strangers in costume can cause stress to pets. Pet owners are advised to keep their pets indoors and away from the front door during peak trick-or-treating hours.

Look out for tampered treats
Although tampered treats are rare, parents and guardians are advised to inspect their children’s Halloween bags as soon as they come home to make sure all the goodies are safe before they eat them. Report suspicious treats to police as soon as possible. If you remember where you got the questionable treats, this will be helpful information for the police investigation.

Keep it fun! Stay safe!
We remind everyone that Halloween is meant to be fun for kids, not traumatizing. Please refrain from purposefully “scaring” children, especially the younger ones who may not be mature enough to see the difference between what’s fake and what’s real. Keep it fun and stay safe!