It’s been a big week for the Algonquin junior boys volleyball team.

After winning the NDA championship Monday over Franco Cite, the Barons won the NOSSA “A” championship in Espanola yesterday (Thursday).

They won all four matches they played, losing only one set in the process.

The accomplishment is something the school has never done before, with two new banners being added to the gymnasium’s rafters.

The team also won both the Widdifield Early Bird tournament in September and the Chippewa Scarlett and Gold tournament in October.

Coach and school vice-principal Gilles Auger credits development at lower grades for this.

“The volleyballers coming up through our grades 7 and 8 are well coached and are ready to contribute from the start. We had a very good group of grade 9 players that mixed well with our grade 10 players this season. They will be ready to take over next season while our base for a senior team moving up is solid,” he said.

Team photo (Back row, left to right): Hunter Périard, Theo Kolios, Adam Howe, Steve Bidal, Hunter Woods, Cole Goode and Cameron Burkholder.
(Front row, left to right): Marcus Stencill, Laurent Clouthier, Kyle Kennedy, Nick Farelli, Martin Dubé and Brandon Oas.
Coach (not in picture): Gilles Auger and Murray Doucette