More calls for Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault to resign, including one from MPP Vic Fedeli.

It all involves the ongoing legal investigation into the Sudbury by-election.

Two prominent Ontario Liberals were recently charged with Election Act bribery counts.

The Crown prosecutor yesterday (Monday) said the now Sudbury MPP “sought certain benefits” to run.

Fedeli says Thibeault is distracted by legal problems instead of working to address the hydro crisis his government created, and is failing Ontario families and businesses, along with the people of Sudbury and the North.

“Will the Energy Minister do the right thing, on behalf of his constituents, and resign?” Fedeli asked during Question Period.

Meantime, Thibeault’s personal counsel says the Crown prosecutor’s comments were disgraceful and ill-considered.

Ian Smith issued a statement saying they were factually incorrect and Thibeault never sought or was offered a bribe.