Area police services are reminding the public not to drink and drive, especially over the holidays.

They joined forces to officially launch the Festive RIDE season this afternoon (Wednesday) at Wasi Corners.

The annual campaign involves roadside stops with police checking motorists for signs of impairment, either by drug or alcohol.

City Police Constable Ken Ayres says there’s an extra effort put forth this time of season, “holidays, Christmas and people tend to be more likely to drink alcohol and drive a motor vehicle, so we’re trying to send a profound message to the general public, (that it’s) not acceptable.”

Northeast Region OPP Traffic and Marine Unit Commander Scott Hlady says there’s good news when it comes to trends they’re their noticing, “We’re in a decline with our collisions and our fatals, so we’re actually doing a really good job with that part. We’ve had zero impaired deaths in the Northeast Region this year, to date.”

He also says across the Ontario there has been 6,200 impaired charges this year. At the end of last year, there were about 9,000.

The Festive RIDE campaign runs through January 7th.


By the numbers:
The North Bay Police Service averages 54 RIDE stops per year.

Their yearly stats on charges for impaired driving:
2016 –Impaired drivers 50 (to date)
2015 –Impaired drivers  60
2014 –Impaired drivers  66
2013 –Impaired drivers  68

