A modern musical about the pressures of adolescence in the cut-throat world of American competitive spelling.

Dreamcoat Fantasy Theatre is presenting “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” tomorrow (Thursday) through Saturday at West Ferris Secondary School.

The production features a cast of performers from several local high schools.

It also includes the opportunity for audience participation, to fill the quota of contestants.

“The Dreamcoat experience has built excellent foundational skills for these young actors and singers,” says director Chris Mogan“There isn’t as wide range of musical projects that tackle the experience of adolescence in society today.  Spelling Bee has a light touch, but it shows puberty, peer and family pressures, as well as gender and bullying issues, regular kinds of struggles.” 

“The smaller cast has a different energy than other musicals that can have 50 or more performers”, says Mogan“Each interaction on stage is a little more under the microscope.”

Tickets are $15 and are available at the door (7 pm showtime each night), by email reservation hali.dreamcoat@live.ca or by calling 705-472-1590.

dreamcoat poster