This week is AIDS Awareness Week and the AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area has several events scheduled.

The focus is on World AIDS Day on Thursday.

There will be a vigil at the White Water Gallery downtown, the red scarf project event, also downtown and the Day Without Art.

The Red Scarf Project is where people wear donated scarves that represent ribbons in support of the fight against HIV-AIDS.

AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area Communications Coordinator Kirk Titmuss says Day Without Art started in New York City in 1989 and has branched out to communities around the globe.

Artwork is shrouded in black and he says it’s a way of paying tribute to artists who have lost their lives to HIV-AIDS.

Meantime, Titmuss says there will also be several HIV testing drive locations throughout the week.

They’re taking place at True Self on Tuesday, the Open Arms Cafe on Wednesday and the North Bay Indian Friendship Centre next Monday.

There are 36 Million people infected with HIV around the world and over 75,000 in Canada, so the fight continues.

There will also be a reception at the AIDS Committee of North Bay and area’s office following Thursday morning’s events.

Click HERE for the agenda for AIDS Awareness Week