MPP Vic Fedeli says the latest Auditor General’s Report paints the picture of a “tired and negligent government“.

He says it points out “excessive” wait times for hospital beds, shoddy highway paving by contractors, and unveils that the government’s own projection for its cap and trade program will see the majority of its cuts to greenhouse gas emissions come from outside Ontario, despite its $2 billion yearly price tag.

The Auditor’s Annual Report says the Cap and Trade Program will cost consumers and businesses $8-billion in it’s first few years of operation and get minimal greenhouse gas reductions.

The average household will likely pay $156 next year in added costs on gasoline and natural gas along with another $75 for goods and services.

Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk also blasts the province for weak oversight of road projects which has seen contractors re-hired and paid bonuses for shoddy work.

She also criticizes the province for keeping operating rooms closed evenings, weekends, March Break and much of the

Fedeli, meantime, says for 13 years the government’s “stunning incompetence and waste” has cost the people of Ontario with the impact on everyday families and the most vulnerable are becoming clearer and clearer, every day.

(With files from The Canadian Press)