Franco Cite won the junior boys “B” division at the 59th annual Tomahawk basketball tournament in North Bay on the weekend.

The Patriotes scored a 45-40 win over Timmins’ O’Gorman Secondary in the final.

En route to the championship game, they had a 3-1 record after wins over Sudbury’s Lasalle and Lockerby schools along with a school from Milton.

They only lost once at the tournament, a one point defeat to St Charles from Sudbury.

Meantime, in the senior boys “D” final, Widdifield lost 30-28 to Espanola.

Franco Cite team members (pictured) include Marc Lavigne (coach), Nicolas Lavigne, Denver Kitching, Blake Horner, Nicolas Langevin, Deven Dauphinais, Julien Primeau, Jacob Guenette, Bobby Guenette (coach), Colin Vézina, Nickolas Lebau, Philip Fortin and Alex Gagné. Missing from the photo : Annie Gauthier (coach), Marc-Olivier Lalonde (statistics) and Caleb Cain-Plante.