Plenty of students and employers are benefiting from the StayNorth pilot program, involving the six northern colleges, including Canadore.

The goal was to find 25 recent or soon-to-be college graduates full-time jobs in the north, in their chosen field of education.

But, they’ve more than doubled that and there’s still another semester to go.

65 students have found full-time employment.

Alex Rogerson with TWG Communications says the jobs are in a number of different sectors, from millwrights to nurses, Personal Support Workers, environmental tech and more.

She also say the jobs are all across the region, including North Bay.

As the initiative approaches its final semester of the pilot over 80 expected spring 2017 graduates have registered.

StayNorth will continue to work with current registrants and new graduates, while breaking down employment barriers to connect individuals with careers in the North.