Council saw three presentations on the possibility of North Bay being the location of a casino and all three don’t like the idea.

Medical Officer of Health Dr. Jim Chirico talked about the issue of problem gambling and that policies need to be developed to prevent it should a casino be coming.

He says they include the facility closing for at least 6 hours a day and increase the legal age to enter a casino from 19 to 21.

Chirico says don’t have credit limits, loyalty programs or access to ATM machines on the floor.

As well, a petition was presented. It was signed by 60 local physicians citing the impact of problem gambling.

Dr. Chirico believes problem gambling will go up if you increase the types of gambling that people can take part in.

Another presenter called for council to hold a referendum on the decision on whether or not to have a casino.

Meantime, Brenda Quenneville is with the Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre.

She says she’s done plenty of research on the link between sexual assault and problem gambling.

Quenneville says figures vary from 20 to 80 per cent, but all researchers agree there will be an increase.