If you know someone who has shown leadership in human rights or anti-racism activities locally, regionally, nationally or internationally, the Nipissing District Human Rights Hall of Fame wants to hear from you.

Someone will be inducted into the hall at the 30th annual Evening of Applause on March 23rd at St Joseph-Scollard Hall.

That same night Students Who Make A Difference from all grade levels and anti-racism poster and artwork contest winners will also be honoured.

For the Human Rights Hall of Fame, a nomination summary of no more than 500 words should be submitted along with as much supporting information as possible.

The deadline is February 24th.

You can submit a nominations by email to:

Or by regular mail to:
Meg Ramore, NNN Coordinator
North Bay & District Multicultural Centre
100 Main St. E.
North Bay, ON
P1B 1A8