Municipal officials from around the province, including the City of North Bay, are taking in the annual Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference in Toronto.

Mayor Al McDonald is leading the local delegation, which includes Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette, Councillor Mac Bain, and Interim Chief Administrative Officer Lea Janisse.

McDonald says they have meetings lined up with various ministers, including Municipal Affairs.

“We’re looking at different ways we can save our homeowners some money,” he said.

McDonald also detailed the issues they’ll be talking about with Northern Development and Mines Minister Michael Gravelle, “the ONTC, jobs, economic development and a promotional campaign for the City of North Bay.”

They also have meetings lined up with Minister of Economic Development and Growth Brad Duguid and Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development Deb Matthews.

“We’re speaking with Minister Matthews regarding sustainable funding, enhanced equipment renewal funding increase and just to state that education is critical for future job creation in the north, in the new economy,” McDonald said.

Overall, he says the vast majority of their interaction with other levels of government involves the province, so this is a great opportunity to continue talking with the various ministers.

Keynote speakers at the conference include Premier Kathleen Wynne, PC Party Leader Patrick Brown and Timiskaming-Cochrane MPP John Vanthof, who is the NDP Rural Affairs Critics.

The conference started yesterday (Sunday) and wraps up tomorrow.