Today (Tuesday) is the third and final day of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association Conference.

North Bay Mayor Al McDonald says the meetings with cabinet ministers have wrapped up and today they’ll be meeting with lower level officials in the various ministries.

McDonald is leading the city delegation that includes two other councillors and the interim CAO Lea Janisse.

They’ve focused on three things in their talks, including economic development, jobs and post secondary education.

He says they’re all tied together, so North Bay and the north can grow.

McDonald says they’ve achieved some early success, but doesn’t expect major announcements this week, pointing out the work they’ve done here could pay off down the road.

The local group met with three ministers: Michael Gravelle who is charge of Northern Development and Mines, Bill Mauro who has the Municipal Affairs portfolio and Brad Duguid who is in charge of Economic Development.

McDonald says they’ve also met with the parliamentary assistant for Deb Mathews, the minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development.