A big jump in area snow depth.

The Conservation Authority says an average of 28 cm of snow has accumulated since the last survey two weeks ago at their snow survey sites.

Officials say snow depth is now almost 50 percent higher than the long-term average for this time of the year.

They also say water content in the snow pack is about 30 percent higher than the long term average.

Snow is measured for depth and water equivalence in North Bay, Corbeil and Chisholm Township.


By the numbers:
North Bay Golf and Country Club (Chippewa Creek Watershed, North Bay)
*Data prior to Dec. 2011 collected at the former Northeast Mental Health Centre, Hwy 11N

Current Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2017 68.5 cm (149% of normal)
Current Average Water Equivalence for February 15, 2017 13.7 cm (122% of normal)
Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2016 52.8 cm
Highest recorded snow depth for February 15 since 2012* 58.4 cm in 2014

Corbeil Conservation Area (La Vase River Watershed, Corbeil)
Current Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2017 69.7 cm (149% of normal)
Current Average Water Equivalence for February 15, 2017 11.8 cm (123% of normal)
Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2016 59.9 cm
Highest recorded snow depth for February 15 since 1988 75.2 cm in 2001

Shirley Skinner Conservation Area (Kaibuskong River Watershed, Chisholm)
Current Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2017 65.5 cm (142% of normal)
Current Average Water Equivalence for February 15, 2017 13.4 cm (147% of normal)
Average Snow Depth for February 15, 2016
Highest recorded snow depth for February 15 since 2007 53.7 cm
65.5 cm in 2017