The Downtown Waterfront Master Plan, including the Kings Landing Wharf, will be up for discussion at a special committee meeting of Council this week.

The Wednesday evening session will see staff and consultants present the proposal.

Community Services Committee Chair Mark King says there’s a vast amount of change included in the proposal, especially for the wharf area.

“It would see the removal of the dock itself and a spit designed out into the lake. Further to that the Chief Commanda II would be moved over to where the gas docks are now,” he says.

The man-made spit would include a recreational trail and fishing piers.

The waterfront plan also includes the potential for a splash pad, skate park and the mini-train going up to the museum area.

King says there won’t be any public comment taken at Wednesday’s meeting, but he says there will be public meetings held so people can have their say.

“I plan to have other public meetings that would allow the public to come out and express either their concern or support for the plan going forward,” he says.

The Downtown Waterfront Master Plan represents a long term vision of what the study area could become over the next 15 to 20 years.

waterfront concept plan2

kings landing preliminary design