Cementation Canada Inc. has won the Peoples’ Choice Award in the #DisruptMining competition.

The event was looking for the next big idea to revolutionize mining.

Cementation was one of five finalists to pitch their idea to an audience of mining and technology professionals, financiers, and a group of 5 industry titans last night (Sunday) and won $50,000.

The competition finale took place during the annual Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada conference in Toronto.

Using a combination of existing and proven crushing, pumping and slurry technologies, Cementation has developed a proof of concept model for process injection hoisting that would eliminate the need for mine shaft production hoisting or trucking, transporting ore to the surface using a pump driven pipeline loop.

The technology is adaptable to all mining methods and would substantially reduce energy consumption and ventilation requirements.

The team at Cementation “builds mines” from design through to construction and this invention has the potential to revolutionize underground mine development to the benefit of the entire industry.