The safety message continues from OPP who are reporting nearly double the number of snowmobile deaths this season compared to last year in Ontario.

They’re up to 20, compared to 11 at this time last year.

Constable Brian Bowes with the OPP SAVE Team says they’re asking people to travel at safe speeds and watch out for animals, obstacles and other people.

“We always urging people to slow down and be mindful of other people using the trails,” he says.

Bowes points out no ice is safe ice, especially at this time of the year.

“It’s late in the season, the conditions on frozen waterways are varying daily and we urge people to stay off frozen waterways. If you do have to go out there, be prepared to go through,” he says.

Bowes also says carry appropriate supplies like first aid equipment, warm clothes, fire starting materials and more to be prepared if forced to spend any length of time in the bush.

In terms of limited trail conditions or closed trails, he says check out the OFSC trail guide daily to plan your ride accordingly.