Good news on the city crime stats from Deputy Chief Scott Tod.

He says crime was down in most areas in January, when compared to the same month last year.

That includes sexual assaults, assaults, robberies and drug charges.

Break and enters were up to 17 from January last year.

Tod says there could be a number of reasons for people wanting to break into vehicles, because in most cases it’s small items that are missing.

He says they want to analyze why this is happening, saying it could be increased drug-use, so people need money for their habit or it could be an employment issue, as people don’t have cash because they can’t find work.

Tod suggests people lock their vehicles at night and don’t leave anything valuable inside.

Calls for service were also up by about 70 and there were no sexual assaults and robberies in the month.

Drug charges were down to 7 from 15 while assaults decreased by 30 to 15.