After a lengthy search, the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce has its new President and CEO.
The Chamber named Peter Chirico as the new President and CEO. The Chamber says he was one of eight candidates they whittled down from a bigger list. Chirico says it’s just good to be back helping the community he loves.
“The chamber is a relatively young organization when you take a look at the composition of the board. I’m really looking forward to working with them. With them being the future leaders, we can set some plans in motion now to set us up for the next 120 years.”
He adds his first priority is to continue implementing the Chamber’s 5-year strategic plan and to meet with the individual businesses making up the Chamber.
“I have over 35 years dealing with businesses, whether it’s in my banking career or with the city. This is a natural extension of pretty much everything I’ve done in the past.”
Chirico says, “opportunities like this don’t come everyday and I’ve never been more excited to take this leadership role with the North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce and oversee its ongoing success today and into the future”.
Chair Brad Gavan “welcomes Peter Chirico as the President and CEO of The North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce. Peter has over 35 years of private and public sector experience that includes strategic planning, working with non-profit organizations, board management, building partnerships, and working with all levels of government. With Peter’s experience, he will be able to lead the Chamber forward in developing and implementing a new five-year Strategic Plan and to provide the voice and services our membership needs. On behalf of the Chamber Board of Directors and staff, congratulations Peter and welcome to the team.”