A successful McDonald’s Secret Secret Menu Challenge for three North Bay employees of the restaurant.

The contest that gave restaurant employees the chance to create their own menu item with the three local employees among the eight semifinalists in Ontario.

There were over a thousand submissions.

Local franchise owner Brad Haines says Gabrielle Girard from their WalMart restaurant won second place and $5,000 in the contest for her “Cookie Monster” menu item, while two other employees received honourable mentions for their creations.

“I’m very proud, very thrilled but I’m not surprised. We have unbelievable people that work in our four restaurants. The talent here in North Bay is phenomenal,” he said.

Lyn Vaillancourt and Johanne Vincent both received honorable mentions for the “Magic Moments French Toast” and the “McCristo”.

Haines says this isn’t the first time a local employee has finished second in the event.

“Two years ago we had success with (the contest), we had a young man, Cole Hoffman, he came second in Ontario with his poutine-hamburger combination and won $5,000”, he added.

The final eight participants were brought to the McDonald’s head office in Toronto for the final showdown.

John Betts, McDonald’s CEO, was on the panel of judges that included executives, foodies and honoured guests to pick the winning recipe.




Filed under: I'm Lovin' It, mcdonalds-secret-secret-menu-challenge, north-bay