It’s Community Living Month and Community Living Almaguin Highlands has a few events planned.

Community Participation and Support Worker and Job Coach Davey Meloy says there is an awareness piece, pointing out their mission has evolved to focus on inclusion.

“Inclusion means not just being part of the community, but being an active and very vibrant member of the community on a regular, everyday level, like everybody else,” he says.

As for events this month, there’s a dance on Saturday, May 6th at the Sundridge Legion.

The cost is $10 and the band The Swamp Donkeys are performing.

Meloy also says May 8th is their “Light It Up” event.

“If you have a blue and a green light, if you want to dig out something from your Christmas lights, or a couple of flood lights and set them on your house or your business, that would be fantastic. We’re going to be lighting, here on May 8th, out Community Living building in Sundridge,” he says.

On May 26th there’s a community barbecue and open house at their office in Sundridge and their satellite office in Powassan.

Donations to local foods banks are being welcomed at both barbecues.