The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority’s Restore Your Shore program is back for a third year.

Over the past two years over three km of streambanks and shorelines were planted with 12,500 trees, shrubs and plants, with over 70 property owners taking part.

Communications Supervisor Sue Buckle says the goal of the free program is to prevent shoreline erosion and protect water quality.

“The program is important because we know that one of the things that happens with erosion, is that it can carry with it, the soil, phosphorus into the waterways which can contribute to the growth of blue-green algae,” she says.

They’re looking for 30 property owners any where in the Conservation Authorities jurisdiction to get involved.

“The program is free, there’s no cost involved thanks to the generosity of the grants and the donors supporting the program,” she says.

Interested shoreline and streambank property owners can contact Reilly Henderson at 705 474-5420 or email or visit

Filed under: north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority, restore-your-shore