A drop in residential construction starts in North Bay in the first quarter of 2017.

Canada Mortgage and Housing reports 3 starts, one single-detached and two semi-detached.

That’s down from five starts through the first quarter of 2016.

There’s a similar trend with completions.

15 dwellings were deemed “completed” in North Bay in the first quarter of 2017.

That’s down from 28 through the first three months of 2016.

In West Nipissing, there were five single-detached starts in the first quarter.

That’s up from two last year.

By the numbers (First quarter construction starts in North Bay in the past 5 years):
2013 – 5
2014 – 10
2015 – 1
2016 – 5
2017 – 3


Filed under: housing-construction-starts, north-bay, west-nipissing