If you love Lego you may want to come out to the Northgate Shopping Centre for a fundraising event for the Nipissing Serenity Hospice.

It goes on May 27th and 28th.

Mike Campigotto is with Play4Prosperity.

He says a replica of the hospice using Lego blocks will be built.

Campigotto says they are trying to raise $50,000 in a number of ways for a playroom for children at the hospice.

He says when children go to a hospice it’s important to have a place for children when they can step away for a bit and play.

They are raising the funds through the sale of t-shirts, having people text $5 each and there’s also a competition among schools.

Widdifield, Odyssee, Chippewa and St Joseph-Scollard Hall are involved in the competition, with the top fundraising school eligible for prizes.

For more information go to play4prosperity.com/bricks4hospice

Filed under: bricks4hospice, north-bay, play4prosperity