The Gathering Place Garden officially opened this week.

Executive Director of the Soup Kitchen, Dennis Chippa, says there are two roles with the garden.

“The first part is obviously the production of the food. We produce about 1,000 lbs of fruit and vegetables out of there in any given growing season,” he says.

The other role of the garden is providing programming and a meeting space for schools and community groups.

Meantime, Chippa says May was busy for The Gathering Place.

He says they typically get 130 diners on some of their busy days and they were at about 150 and 160.

“We know that as the summer progresses those numbers are either going to stay at those levels or may even increase,” he adds.

When asked how the community can help, Chippa points out they’re donation based.

He also say they need more volunteers as more people come in, which provides a good opportunity for high school students, who are in need of volunteer hours, or even college or university students who may be looking to volunteer.

Photo courtesy NUSU via

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