Now that the school year is over, there’s more time for kids to spend time playing outdoors.

To that end, city police want everyone to be safe.

Traffic Enforcement Officer Constable Ken Ayres says drivers need to pay attention.

“There will be numerous kids out going to the beach, operating their bicycles and we can’t be reliant on the fact that they would necessarily be aware of all the rules of the road, only hope that they would. Just drive in accordance with the speed conditions and be aware of their surroundings, looking for these children,” he says.

Constable Ayres has a message for kids, too.

“Wear their bicycle helmets, bicycle in appropriate lanes for them, whether it be on the roadway or Kate Pace Way, be respectful of other cyclists and just cycle safely,” he says.

It’s the law for anyone under 18 to be wearing an approved helmet when on their bike.

In terms of rules for bikes, police say stay off sidewalks, signal for all lane changes and stop at all stop signs and red lights.

While a bell or horn is mandatory, police say use a white front light and red rear light or reflector when cycling at night.

Filed under: north-bay-police-service, summer-safety