North Bay is hosting a public hearing on the potential minimum wage increase Tuesday.

The hearings are part of the Liberal governments week-long provincial tour to gain perspective from the business community, labour force, and individuals affected by the proposed bill.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says the hearings are way to have your voice heard and so far registration for the hearings as been well received.

“There are 18 different groups making presentations at these hearings and public is welcomed to attend. It’s an opportunity for people right across the province to give their input on the impact of this bill. We want to listen to people’s concerns and points about it and then we’ll summarrize as a committee and provide a final report.”

Fedeli says presentations are split three ways from labour organizations, community groups and local businesses.

“I think what’s missing from the bill is this cost benefit analysis. I don’t think we should be looking at labour laws without knowing the impact. That’s why it’s good to have all these groups here to talk about the impact. It’ll be bad for some and good for others and that’s why we need to do that analysis becasue the government didn’t do it.”

He says the early sense is businesses are saying it’s too much too fast. He adds, a 32 per cent hike may not sit well with them. The first increase is set to happen next January to $14 per hour, then to $15 in 2019.