There’s been a lot of news in recent weeks about reconciliation with indigenous people and steps that need to be taken.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says the provincial government is doing its part by including the First Nations voice in provincial elections.

He says there’s a proposal through the Far North Electoral Boudaries Commission to reshape a couple of northern ridings Kenora-Rainy River and Timmins James Bay.

He says the idea is for those ridings to have a larger base of First Nations voters.

He says Timmins-James Bay would exclude Timmins from the riding making it 15 per cent indigenous and 60 per cent Francaphone while the Kenora-Rainy River riding would be 60 per cent indigenous.

He says reconciliation isn’t just talking about changes it’s enacting them too so that the first nations voice is heard more.

The province will have to pass legislation this fall to make the changes in time for next years provincial election.

Filed under: reconciliation, ridings, vic-fedeli