The North Bay Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is happy to receive the results of this year’s Personal Floatation Device (PFD) wear rate survey conducted by BAYSAR Air Search and Rescue. This survey has been conducted each summer since 2013 over the North Bay area waterways and it is the only ongoing observational PFD wear rate study available across Canada.

This year the process of the campaign was changed and the survey was completed on July 29, 2017 without letting the boating public know. This was to answer a question raised in relation to “why” people were wearing their PFD, and provide unbiased results.

The results from this year’s survey seem to show improved PFD wear rates compared to pre campaign levels in 2013, but the wear rates are not quite as high as the years where incentives were included. For open power boats the calm water wear rate dropped from 20% to 14% (still higher than the 9% baseline in 2013), and the rough water wear rate dropped from 33% to 29% (still higher than the 23% rough water baseline).

While this year’s survey is complete, the “Let’s See You Wear Your PFD” campaign is starting today. Sometime between now and September 1, 2017 BAYSAR and the North Bay Detachment OPP Marine Unit will be teaming up to give a lucky boater seen wearing a PFD a ride in the floatplane.

This is a great campaign and promotion and the OPP would like to everyone to enjoy their time spent on North Bay and area waterways. OPP reminds the public to stay safe and that a PFD can only save your life if you are wearing it.

When out on the water think safety first and always wear your PFD.