The Nipissing University Student Union and the Military Family Resource Centre are teaming up to help out former military personnel or family members at the university.

The partnership is a way to introduce the students to the Military Family Resource Centre, along with resources on campus.

NUSU VP Governance and Legal Affairs Cooper Allen (pictured above) doesn’t have a military background, but came up with the idea.

“It makes sense, we are in a military town and I have a lot of close friends who are part of military families. There’s a lot to be said for people who put others before them and are able to serve us in the way that they do. and I think it’s worth honouring them, for sure,” he says.

Allen says it can be nerve-wracking for any student to reach out for support, whether it’s academic or something else, so this can help with that transition period for former military personnel and family members.

22 Wing Commander Col. Mark Roberts (pictured below) says city leadership has always been very supportive of military families and charities, but this initiative involves the next generation.

“This partnership was generated and entirely thought of by the youth of North Bay. That’s really comforting, it’s impressive, to see that it’s a different level of support we are receiving,” he says.

NUSU is the first student union to partner with the Military Family Resource Centre.

22 Wing Commander Col Mark Roberts