Actor Jerry O’Connell has certainly made an impression since coming to North Bay to shoot a TV show.

He’s spent a lot of time checking out the local sites and restaurants and, of course, performing Karaoke and taking selfies with city residents.

On Thursday, he received a key to the city from Mayor Al McDonald.

O’Connell says he was touched, pointing out he didn’t know it was coming as he was invited to a picnic of city employees.

“I felt like crying up there. I couldn’t believe it. What a special town, everyone’s so nice. A key to the city…I hear this opens all doors in the mayor’s house. I guess I can go in there anytime I want to now.”

“He (O’Connell) recognizes communities are important. He embraces the citizens. He’s fun to be with. He wants to be part of a community and that really comes through in what he does,” says Mayor Al McDonald.

The plaque containing the key also included a parking ticket O’Connell received and paid a while back.

Filed under: al-mcdonald-north-bay, jerry-oconnell, key