It’s called NU2042 and the event involves Nipissing researchers giving presentations about how the world might be changed by their research in 25 years.

One of tonight’s five-minute presentations, called “The End of Ethics in a Technological Age” is being given by Dr David Tabachnick.

“What often happens is that the impending need that technology seems to be able to address, whether it’s in something like medicine or genetic engineering, sort of overwhelms our ethical sensibility and we move on ahead without fully understanding the consequences,” he says.

Pointing to movies like Blade Runner and books like George Orwell’s 1984, he says they aren’t exactly accurate dipictions of how the world is living now, which drives home part of his message.

“I think it is very hard to predict what technology is going to do and that’s why we should be so cautious before we introduce what seem like benign technologies, or even live-saving technologies into the world,” Tabachnick says.

The event, which runs from 7-9 pm at the Grande Event Centre on Main Street, features five researchers.
– Dr. Nathan Colborne: Religion? That’s So 25 Years Ago
– Dr. Rosemary Nagy: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in Northeastern Ontario
– Dr. Michelann Parr: How will you be Engaged? The Future of Family-School-Community Literacy
– Dr. Tim Sibbald: Will School Math still be tough in 2042?
– Dr. David Tabachnick: The End of Ethics in a Technological Age

A question and answer session follows the presentations.

“As a university, our goal is to make the world a better place, through education and research as well as community leadership. Our faculty are engaged in some amazing work that will unquestionably impact the future and NU2042 gives them an opportunity to share ideas, hopes, fears and dreams with our community,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, president and vice-chancellor.

The first NU2042 event was a resounding success, generating some amazing discussion about artificial intelligence, 3-D brain modeling, international collaborative research, and the engineering of new brains, eyes and other organs.

Future NU2042 events will take place at the same time and location on October 18, November 9, and December 7.

Filed under: nipissing-university, nu2042