The city’s arena committee that is looking at possible sites for new ice facilities in North Bay has a new location.

Last night (Tuesday), council approved a motion to consider a property on Pinewood Park Drive.

This is in addition to previously mentioned properties behind Memorial Gardens and the Omischl Sports Complex.

This all has to do with replacing West Ferris Arena (pictured).

Councillor Daryl Vaillancourt would only say the developer is from the private sector.

“Some developers have some land that they are looking to develop. I think it’s fair thay they did an unsolicited proposal to the city of North Bay and it does have caveats to take a look at a possible location for the arena,” he says.

The property is from across the former Moe-Zee-On Inn to the municipal border with Callander.

Vaillancourt says if there are any other proposals he hopes people come forward soon as he does doesn’t want the process to drag out until November or December.

He wants it decided sooner than that and points out more information will be forthcoming as soon as next week.

Vaillancourt also say city services only go a certain distance on Pinewood Park Drive and wouldn’t take in the property in question.

Filed under: arena, pinewood-park-drive