The President and CEO of the Mattawa Hospital and Algonquin Nursing Home has been named the new CEO of the Northeast LHIN

Jérémy Stevenson takes over his new role January 22, 2018.

“While it was a difficult decision to leave Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital, I am grateful that in my new role as North East LHIN CEO, I will have the opportunity to work with them and the many valuable partners across our LHIN as we focus on building a more patient-focused and integrated system of care in Northeastern Ontario. I look forward to leading another organization that is filled with dedicated employees who are working to improve the lives of people and helping to build the best health care system possible,” Stevenson says.

“I am very honoured to join such a strong senior team, and wish to recognize the tremendous work that our previous CEO Louise Paquette, Interim CEO Kate Fyfe, and the former CCAC CEO, Richard Joly, have done in transforming a patient-focused health system for our people and communities of Northeastern Ontario.”

“Jérémy brings strengths and skills to the North East LHIN that will help us continue our transformational work to build an integrated health care system across Northeastern Ontario,” said Ron Farrell, NE LHIN Chair.

“With his leadership, we will remain focussed on improving the patient experience and performance of the system.  We were looking for a visionary, a relationship builder, and someone with a strong sensitivity and awareness of the needs of people living in our LHIN region.”

Farrell also says he and the board are extremely grateful for the leadership of Kate Fyfe who has been Interim NE LHIN CEO since June 2017.

“Kate’s leadership and dedication to the NE LHIN organization over the past six months is commendable. Kate and her full senior leadership team will be an invaluable resource to our new CEO,” he added.

LHIN officials say an extensive search for a new CEO took place throughout the summer and fall.