The Anishinabek Education System agreement is another step closer to starting up after making it’s way through the Legislative process in Ottawa.

Earlier this month MP’s gave their approval and sent the bill, that creates the largest education self-government agreement in the country, to the Senate.

It was passed into law late last week.

23 First Nations are taking part, including Nipissing First Nation.

“The Kinoomaadziwin Education Body was pleased to present to the Senate and be a part of the legislative process. The deliberations showed promising support which will move us to the next step in supporting the future of our children,” expressed Kelly Crawford, Anishinabek Education System (AES) Education Direction. “The passing of this bill will be life changing for many of our citizens.”

The agreement recognizes Anishinabek control over education, on and off reserve, from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12, as well as administrative control over funding for post-secondary education.

Work continues towards an official opening of the system on April 1st, 2018.


(Photo submitted: Kinoomaadziwin Education Body board members Lisa Michano and Evelyn Ball with Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare, education negotiator Tracey O’Donnell and Director of Education for the Anishinabek Education System, Kelly Crawford made submissions to the Senate Committee on Bill C-61 the Anishinabek Nation Education Act.)