Members of the North Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a fatal motor vehicle collision on January 4, 2018, at approximately 7:12 a.m. The collision occurred on Highway 17, west of Dube Road in the Municipality of East Ferris, Ontario. A westbound passenger car and an eastbound passenger car collided head-on.

A passenger in one of the vehicles was taken to hospital with serious injuries. The drivers of both vehicles were pronounced deceased at the scene and are identified as follows:

Mr. Stephane TERBOVC, age 27, of the Township of Bonfield, Ontario, and

Mrs. Gertrud BORON, age 80, of the Township of Bonfield, Ontario.

OPP Technical Traffic Collison Investigators (TTCI) and an officer utilizing the OPP Unmanned Arial System (UAS) assisted with the investigation. The Municipality of East Ferris Volunteer Fire Department and Nipissing Paramedic Services also attended the scene.

Highway 17 was fully re-opened at approximately 11:31 a.m.

The investigation is ongoing.