A new series of video shorts and animations has been launched to create awareness about the need to foster Consent Culture in our community.

Kathleen Jodouin is chair of the the Domestic Violence Community Coordinating Committee.

She says their committed to ending intimate partner violence and the conversation needs to start with young people. She says we need to normalize consent in our culture.

“From things like taking a picture of someone and posting it on a social media site having consent for that. As well as where you placed your hands and what activities you’re doing with someone else.”

The videos are aimed at a younger demographic.

Officials say too many people are impacted by sexual violence and there is a need to end the current culture that supports it and replace it with positive messages.

Jenn Gordon is with the Committee says the consent they’re talking about is every day consent.

“When we say the word consent people think of sexual or intimate relationships. This conversation we’re having in the community is broadening that because these every day interactions are what teaches us the most about having to be respectful.”

She says they want young people to have conversations about consent and what it means to them.

Chippewa student Coral Joy says respect is an important part of the conservation.

“It is pretty often that people have photography of them leaked that they wouldn’t be comfortable sharing with anybody other than their intimate partner. And a lot of times it comes after the relationship has broken up and it’s a vengeful action and that’s very sad.”

Filed under: consent, domestic-violence